Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Top 10 Award -- my current favourites

I have been neglecting my own blog and reading other people's blogs for a few days, only to wake up and find that Miss L from eisaamitte  has tagged me with Top 10 Award! Thank you so much! And thank you also for letting me know in the comments, otherwise I might have missed it in this Christmas chaos!

The game goes like this: All you have to do is pick 10 beauty related products and name which one is your top pick in that category. You can change some categories, if you want. Here are mine:

Hand and body lotion: Avon Planet Spa Mediterranean Olive Oil Body Butter with Orange Flower. Honestly, Avon body butters are so much better than the infamous Body Shop ones! For hands I use separate hand creams and I like The Body Shop Almond hand cream best.

Eyeshadow: Sleek Makeup I-Divine Palette in Au Naturel. Right now I prefer this to Naked palette.
Top coat: China Glaze Fast Forward Top Coat. I think it beats Seche :)

Powder: Grimas Colour Powder loose powder. I use compact powder only for touch-ups.

Nail polish brand: I'm going to like Alessandro more and more. Used to be China Glaze.

Body wash: The Body Shop ones, currently with Pink Pomegranate. They smell gorgeous, don't dry your skin out and last for a long time.

Blush: Nars Deep Throat. Gorgeous colour! One of the most versatile blushes I've ever used.

Lip balm: Joik Deeply Moisturizing Emu Oil Salve. Works for your cuticles too!

Facial moisturizer: Lumene Vitamin C+ range, especially Bright Skin Radiance Nectar.

Eye cream: Avon Anew Rejuvenate 24 Hour Eye Cream. Actually,, there are two creams in one pot, one for night time, another for day time. 

Now it's your turn! I tag:

Beautiful Inside And Outside
The Big Pink Bow
Beauty and Make Up Boudoir
I.R. Pale

And that's about it right now! I don't want to tag Estonian bloggers who have been tagged before and don't know right now who to tag from abroad. Maybe I can figure it out later!

Here are the Top 10 Award rules:
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link their blog.
2. Put the Top 10 award logo on your blog.
3. List your top 10 cosmetics/beauty/health.
4. Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link their blogs and let them know.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

Thursday, December 15, 2011

China Glaze is coming out with Magnetix!

China Glaze official press picture is from here.
One of my favourite nail polish brands China Glaze is launching a new collection of magnetic nail polishes. There are 12 polishes in this collection and it's official launch time is said to be in March. God knows, when these will be in Estonia, but you'll always have eBay :)

For those who don't know what they are: Magnetic nail polishes have tiny parts of metal in their formula and when the wet polish is exposed to a magnet, these form different patterns on the nail. I have tried some and I think magnetic polishes are a great way to get interesting nails. If you know a few tips, the patterns are very easy to create, but look like you have taken a lot of trouble. Although magnetic nail polishes are nothing new, several brands have them by now, I'm looking forward to this collection. I just hope the quality of these is a bit better than China Glaze Metallic Crackles, that were a bit of a disappointment.

Actually, Crackle Glitters are on their way too, but I don't expect much from these.

China Glaze official press picture is from here.
Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Üks mu lemmikuid China Glaze toob kevadel turule 12 lakist koosneva magnetlakkide kollektsiooni. Juhuu! Kui kasutusnipid käpas, on magnetlakid väga toredad. Ootan juba! Hind ja millal need Eestisse jõuavad, pole teada, aga kärsitumad võivad alati pöörduda eBay poole.

Tulekul on ka pragunevad glitterlakid, aga noh... need jätan vist vahele. Metallikud olid väike pettumus.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Empties: October and November

Yes, I managed to use up all these things during last two months. Seeing them all at one picture makes me think: wow, that's a lot!

And that's good. I have neverending supply of halfway used bottles, tubes and jars. I don't have much of a problem with things I like: they always seem to end too quickly. But when I find the product poor or average, I'm too impatient to just stay calm and use it up. I'll just stash it somewhere and set out to finding something better. Unfortunately, there are a lot more average things than HG items in the world. I seem to use everything for a tiny while and then move on to new and more interesting things. Or I might just want to change my face cream or shampoo because I'm bored with the previous one. I believe the same behavior is familiar to a lot of girls. But this can't go on forever.

On the other hand, I don't like to throw half-used stuff out too, it would be a total waste of everything: time, money, environment... and so on. Besides, there has been more than one occasion, when I rediscover something from my stash and really like it.

While this is not exactly a Project Pan, collecting and saving all these empty bottles for picture purposes has disciplined me more and made me WANT to use as many things up as I can. I try to keep it up from now on.

Of course, there are some things I liked and am definitely going to buy again (or stock up, if this is a discontinued item). You can see them on this picture. I'm not going to do a separate review of every one. If you see something you are particularly interested about, please ask!

So that's why I posted a picture of that big bunch of bottles. More as a reminder for myself, 'cause I don't really think you'd be very curious about what's in my thrash.

How about you? Do you have a lot of half-used cosmetics lying around?

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Siin on minu oktoobri- ja novembrikuus otsasaanud kosmeetikavahendid. Neid on palju, sest mul on päris palju pooleldi kasutatud kosmeetikat, mis mulle lihtsalt eriti ei meeldi või mille olen põnevamate asjade kasutamise nimel (ajutiselt, ha-ha!) kõrvale lükanud. Tegelikult peaks need lõpuni kasutama, et uutele ruumi teha. See postitus ongi eelkõige minu enda jaoks, et oleks suurem motivatsioon poolikud asjad lõpuni kasutada. Lähemalt arvustama ma neid ei hakka, kui tunnete lähemat huvi mõne toote vastu neilt piltidelt, küsige!

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Body Shop Almond, Wild Rose and Hemp Hand Creams review & comparison. All are good, pick your favourite

I promised to do this review & comparison a few posts ago. I think it's a good time for a hand cream post, because the seasons wintery weather dries hands out so badly. And how can you expose your pretty-pretty Christmassy nail polish on rugged hands, right? Besides, two of these hand creams just came out a few months ago (at least here in Estonia). Although the creams come in quite similar metallic tubes, they are all different. 

Hemp Hand Protector is the oldest of them all. I remember it been sold more than twelve years ago already. The Body Shop describes it as giving a heavy duty moisturisation, protection and repair for extremely dry skin.

So it does. The thick very lightly minty green cream has a unique but quite pleasant smell of grass (ha-ha!) and does it's job real well. It takes some time for it to sink in, but it makes your hands very soft, be they as dry as they may. It's because of the hemp seed oil unusually full of fatty acids our skin desperately needs to stay soft and supple. Yes, you have to wait a bit after applying this, because it takes some time to absorb, but the time is not too long and it does not leave a nasty film on your hands. The grassy smell lingers for quite a while, but if you grow used to it, you might start to like it as I do by now. The best part of this cream is that is also performs like cuticle cream: you can massage it in your cuticles and it makes them soft and cared for.

Wild Rose Hand Cream SPF 15 is a different cup of tea. The Body Shop claims that the lightweight cream with rosehip oil, Community Fair Trade Brazil nut oil and Ghana shea butter has been made for mature skin. It's meant for hydrating the skin and helping to protect it against brown spots.

Whilst I don't know about the against-brown-spots action -- as I don't have any, I'm too young for this, boo! –, it is certainly lightweight, moisturising and has a lovely rosehip smell.

I don't really care about SPF 15 in winter either :D I bought this hand cream being mesmerized by the lovely classically ladylike rosy fragrance that lingers a lot longer than to your next hand wash and noticed the fine print only later. The best part of this cream is that it absorbs quickly, I'd say in 30 secs or a minute and doesn't leave my hands greasy at all. I hate greasy hands.

As they say, you can tell the age of a lady by her hands, so the un-maturing action must be good for me. Hell, I must start to use it on my neck too, as this is another important lady part :P

I saved the best for the last: Almond Hand & Nail Cream. It moisturises hands and conditions nails, made with sweet almond oil, honey from Ethiopia, soy oil from Brazil and Community Fair Trade Brazil nut oil & Ghana shea butter. Suits all skin types.

I think this must be my favourite of these three, as this is the most quick one to absorb. I hate waiting for my hand cream to absorb and ruining all my important papers, magazines, phone screen and so on. Usually I usually don't like almond smell, as I consider it sickeningly sweet, but this is not the case here. I'm not good at describing smells, but this cream smells rather fresh and inviting to me, with only a slight hint of almond. It's an interesting inviting smell that says: “I really like to take good care myself. Touch my hand, smell this and you'll see and feel it.” Or something in these lines. It smells expensive. I swear, I could smell my hands all day wearing this :)

I bought only a small tube of Almond Hand Cream for carrying around in the handbag, but when this is finished, I'm quite sure I'll make a repurchase.

All of these hand creams are packed in metallic tubes, that seem very lovely and elegant at first, but may get ugly, crushed and battered by squeezing quickly. Though, I must mention that I've used my Body Shop Hemp cream metallic tube and L'Occitane hand cream metallic tube about the same time, and L'Occitane hand cream tube is much more demolished and ugly. So I guess Body Shop tubes hold on better.

There are other products like hand washes, nail butters and whatnot in all these product lines from The Body Shop, but I haven't tried any of them. Hope they are all as good as these creams.

I won't give you the exact prices, as I don't remember it for the Hemp Protector and the other ones I bought on sale anyway. Check your local Body Shop for prices.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

P.S. Did I mention that all of these smell gorgeous – especially almond, hemp and rosehip one :P

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

No mis ma oskan öelda lisaks eelnevale? Kõik kolm kätekreemi on väga head. Vanim, Body Shopi klassikaks saanud kanepiga kätekreem, on kõige toitvam ja sobib ka küünenahkade niisutamiseks, teised kaks jällegi imenduvad ekstrakiirusel :D Kõik lõhnavad imehästi ja kindlasti on need kreemid talveks hea ost. Hindu tšekkige lähimast Body Shopist.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Glambox --kas teie tellite? Glambox vs GlossyBox

Pilt on Glamboxi veebilehelt
This post is available mostly in Estonian only, as it concerns a new service in Estonia: Glambox. It's concept is the same, as with GlossyBox, but I find it is too expensive and meagre for Estonian context. They offer mostly very small samples from cheaper brands. However, I would probably be a subscriber of GlossyBox, if it was offered here.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Lugesin täna, et nüüd on ka Eestis kuulsa GlossyBox'i sarnane teenus (või on see pigem toode?) See pakkus mulle kohe huvi, sest olen välismaa blogidest palju lugenud GlossyBox'ide ja teiste sarnaste üllatuskarpide kohta.

Kes ei tea, millega tegu, siis asja idee on selles, et tellid endale Glambox'i, maksad iga kuu kindla summa ja sulle saadetakse pakk 4-5 mini-ilutoote ehk sämpliga. Minitooted on suuruses 1 ml kuni 80 ml ja need valitakse juhuslikkuse alusel: sa ei tea ette, mis sulle saadetakse ja pole ka garantiid, kas need asjad sulle sobivad. Küll aga lubab firma, et minitoodete müügihind kokku on suurem kui hind, mille eest paki tellid. Glambox maksab 7.90 eurot, postikulu ei lisandu. 

Kuigi täna pakuti Cherry's Glambox'i üheks kuuks odavamalt (4.90 eur), ei tõusnud mu käsi siiski vautšerit ostma.

Esiteks, tootevalik, mille näidised võidakse pakki panna, ei paelunud mind. Valikus on palju minule tundmatuid brände, mis esmapilgul ei tundu üldse huvitavad, või selliseid, mis niikuinii palju testreid ja sämpleid jagavad, näiteks Lumene. GlossyBox koosneb luksusbrändidest, mille sämplid on ka väga kallid.

Teiseks, valikus on ka väga odavaid brände, näiteks BYS, mille täissuuruses tooted maksavad täishinnaga vaid paar euri. Tootevalikut lubatakse edaspidi küll laiendada, aga kes teab, milliste brändidega...

Kolmandaks, ettevõte lubab, et iga kuu on karbis vähemalt kaks 15 ml suurust sämplit. See oli Glambox'i juures kõige pelutavam. Mismõttes ma maksan 7.90 euri ja saan näiteks 2x 15 ml kreemikest ja 3 pisikest 1 ml testrit? Pole üldse hea diil. Testreid ja minisid saab sageli ostudega tasutagi kaasa.

GlamBoxis GlossyBox'is ikka on sageli ka täissuuruses tooteid, isegi sellistelt brändidelt nagu Nars, Stila, Leighton Denny jne. Mõnes pakis on koguni mitu täissuuruses toodet. Seega tundub GlossyBox oluliselt rohkem oma hinda väärt, ehkki on kallim (12.95 inglise naela ehk ligikaudu 15 euri). 

Neljandaks, Glambox ei tule mitte koju, vaid sellel peab automaadis ise järel käima.

Seega pean Glambox'i liiga kalliks ja liiga ihneks teenuseks. GlossyBox'i ehk isegi telliksin, kui seda Eestis pakutaks. Milline on teie arvamus? Kas telliksite?

Kui keegi tellis Glambox'i, siis oleks väga tore arvustust lugeda.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Flormar Graffiti Nail Enamel polishes: review & a small contest!

Remember, some time ago I promised to show you some interesting crackle polishes? Here they are!

Flormar is a Turkish company and an old favourite of mine. It's very popular in Turkey, but not so widespread elsewhere, including Estonia. But their products are super and these polishes are no exception!

To be fair, I discovered Flormar Graffiti Nails polishes via MyLittleVanities blog. When I learned that they are finally available in Estonia, I just had to go and get them. Actually there are twelve colors in this line, but all of these were not available at the moment.

Just look how bright and beautiful these colours are! Texturewise, different crackle colours differ a bit: some are metallic, some are regularly matte and some are satiny and stay somewhere inbetween. Qualitywise these are a lot better than China Glaze Metallic Crackles: these are a lot easier to apply evenly and the cracks are much more consistent. They also dry very quickly.

I like the bottles too, I think they are fun and beautiful. The paper caps on the bottles will probably be lost soon. But on to the actual swatches:

I think the blue and silvery colours are my favourites and the yellow one is the least favourite. They don't have names, only numbers. I think it's not necessary to mark them down here.

And the promised little contest. You have to guess, what nail polish I'm wearing under these crackles. I want you to guess the company's name and the shade of the polish. The first person to guess correctly will receive a small prize from me! Hint: the prize comes straight from Turkey! Please leave your guesses at the comment section. A small hint for you: this is an extremely popular polish and it was launched this fall :)

The contest is open to all my GFC followers, no matter where in the world you live. New followers and multiple guesses are also allowed!

And a close shot of my nails. Please excuse the regrowth, it was not so visible if not looked through the macro lens. 

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Palun saage tuttavaks Türgi firma Flormar Graffiti Nail Enamel pragunevate lakkide sarjaga. Ma ei hakkagi pikalt heietama: need lakid on suurepärased, China Glaze kräkk-lakkidest oluliselt paremad!

Aga nüüd võistluse juurde! Arvake ära, mis lakk on mu küüntel praolakkide all. Ära on vaja arvata nii tootjafirma kui laki nimi. Esimesele õigele arvajale saadan Türgist toodud auhinna. Arvamused kirjutage palun kommentaaridesse ja ärge unustage seejuures olla ka GFC -followerid. 

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Friday, December 2, 2011

Freebies from L'Oreal Paris & L'Or swatches!

In last post I was telling about the freebies I got from L'Oreal makeup workshop. Now I finally picked them up and made some swatches! Here they are.

First, Color Riche Intense lipstick in 387 Ruby Explosion.

This is a very good lipstick: soft, pigmented, non-drying and stays on for hours. Not to mention that the shade is my favourite!

And on my hand. Notice that the tiny shiny particles are not really visible IRL.

On to the nail polish: Resist & Shine Titanium 739 Bronze Goddess. It's slightly thin, so this is four coats. Not really a bronze, is it?

And the making of this swatch. Now you can see why the back part of this nail plate is slightly smudgy :) And you can see my current manicure.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Siin on värvinäidised (milline kohmakas sõna!) ehk swatch'id L'Oreal Paris koolitusel omandatud toodetest. Lakk on selline so-so, aga huulepulka fännan täiega! Just minu toon ja nii hea koostis ning püsivus! Täh-tähh, L'Oreal!

Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull

Thursday, December 1, 2011

L'Oreali meigikoolitus Lana Valloga või Lana Vallo meigikoolitus L'Orealiga

I'm very sorry,  this is from Lana Vallo website.
This post is in Estonian only, because it concerns a make up workshop that is held in Estonian I attended last week. If you need more information, please ask!

For my lovely Estonian readers: 

Kas mäletate, paar kuud tagasi kutsuti FB-s inimesi L'Oreal Paris tasuta meigikoolitusele Lana Vallo stuudiosse? Tookord mul osalejate sekka mahtuda ei õnnestunud. Mu imestus oli suur kui eelmise nädala algul sain meili, et olen reedeks kutsutud koolitusele!

Loomulikult ei jätnud ma võimalust kasutamata ja olin määratud ajal Lana Vallo stuudios kohal. Lisaks minule oli tulnud veel kuus tüdrukut. Kahjuks pilte koolitusest pole, sest ei taibanud neid teha.

Lana Vallo meigistuudiosse polnud ma varem juhtunud. See on tegelikult meigistuudioks muudetud suur (stuudio)korter, s.t. avatud planeeringuga katusekorter Pärnu maanteel. Kööginurk ja mõnusad diivanid lisavad hubasust, ent ei tasu lasta end näilikust kodususest ära petta – kerge kardinaga eraldatuna on korteri “südameks” siiski pikk rida kenasti paarikaupa asetatud meigilaudu :)

Enne koolituse algust paluti kõigil osalejail meik maha võtta. Selleks olid laudadele valmis pandud L'Oreali puhastuspiimad ja toonikud. Minul oli meik juba kenasti kodus maha võetud ja nägu kreemitatud, seega jäi kõnealune etapp ära.

Koolituse alguses palus Lana ühe vabatahtliku modelliks ja jagas modelli peal ette näidates ning pabertahvlile kirjutatud märkuste abil põhiteadmisi meigipõhja ja silmameigi tegemisest ning kulmude-põskede-huulte meikimisest. Loomulikult kasutas ja tutvustas ta seejuures L'Oreal Paris tooteid. Pabertahvlile oli valmis joonistatud silmameigi skeem, mille põhjal valmis ka koolitusmeik. Etteruttavalt võib küll öelda, et sõltuvalt silmakujust ja värvivalikust tuli igal tüdrukul meik isesugune :D

Seejärel avanes igaühel võimalus vastomandatut praktikas proovida. Esimese sammuna aitasid Lana ja tema abiline valida sobiva jumestuskreemi L'Oreal Paris True Match jumestuskreemide seast, keegi vist proovis ka True Match mineraalmeiki ja Infallible jumestuskreemi.

Esmalt kandsime igaüks omal käel peale praimeri Studio Secrets Professional Resurfacing Primer ja tegime meigipõhja. Kas teadsite, et True Match Liquid jumestuskreemil on kolm erinevate tähistustega alaliini: W (warm ehk soe kollakale nahale), C (cold ehk külm roosakale nahale ja N (neutral ehk neutraalne neile, kes jäävad sooja ja külma vahepeale)? Mina ei teadnud. True Match jumestuskreem jättis mulle üllatavalt hea mulje: toon C2 sobis üsna täpselt mu Mac NC15 nahatooniga ja oli väga mõnus peale kanda. True Match kattis väiksemad iluvead ära, kuid seejuures mõjus nahal äärmiselt loomulikuna. Ainus väike etteheide oleks, et pärast 3-4 tundi nahal muutus mu nahk üsna läikivaks, kuid seda juhtub mul paljude jumestuskreemidega. Samas on kindlasti tegu väga hea jumestuskreemiga ja kui ma peaks kunagi vajama uut jumestuskreemi, siis ma kindlasti kaaluks selle ostmist.

Peitekreemina kasutasime True Match Touche Magique Concealer'it, nii silma all kui mujal. Eraldi peitekat vistrike jaoks L'Orealil polnud. Samuti tuli tolmpuudri asemel meigi kinnitamiseks kasutada True Match kompaktpuudrit, mille toonide numeratsioon vastab samuti True Match jumestuskreemide omale (nagu ka Touche Magique toonide numeratsioon). See häiris mind veidi, kuna olen juba aastaid kasutanud tolmpuudrit ja olen veendunud, et kompaktpuuder sobib pigem meigi värskendamiseks.

Nüüd oli käes põskede ja silmade kord. Silmade värvimiseks oli igaühe laual suur kosmeetikakott erinevate toodetega, mille seast valida, ja pintslikomplekt Real Techniques Starter Set by Samantha Chapman.

Need pintslid ei meeldinud mulle üldse! Ilmselt olen harjunud paremaid kasutama:D Kulmupintsel oli liiga suur, see, mida Samantha Chapman nimetab Accent Brush liiga väike ja ebamugava kujuga ja üleüldse olid need pintslid kuidagi liiga pehmed ja libedad. Põsepunapintsel oleks minu arvates kõlvanud rohkem puudri jaoks, põsepuna tarvis oleksin soovinud väiksemat ja täpsemat pintslit. Minu arvates Real Techniques pintslid pigem loopisid värvi laiali kui seda laule kandsid. Ainsana saab mult armu Base Shadow brush, mida kasutasin silmakoopa rõhutamiseks ja värvide hajutamiseks. Samas saan aru, et need ongi ainult hajutuskomplekitidena mõeldud ega peagi erilist professionaalsust pakkuma.

Minu arvates on odavamatest pintslitest näiteks elf Studio sarja pintslid oluliselt täpsemad ja annavad parema kontrolli oma tegevuse üle. Mac'i jt. heade firmade pintslitest muidugi rääkimata. Aga eks see maitse ja harjumuse asi ole. Igatahes minust jääb see komplekt küll nüüd pärast proovimist poodi. Kes veel on kõnealusele koolitusele minemas ja harjunud kvaliteetseid pintsleid kasutama, soovitan oma pintslikomplekti kaasa võtta!

Palusin Lanal valida mulle silmameigitoonid ja teha ühe silma minu peal oma käega. Lana valis minu rohelistele silmadele ja heledatele juustele kombinatsiooni tumesinisest, hallikast sinisest ja kahest beežikast toonist (Smoky Blue Duo Eyeshadow 22 ja Star Secrets Quad Pro Eyeshadows 333 Freida Pinto). Ise ma poleks iial endale meigiks tumesiniseid toone valinud, aga see tegigi asja põnevaks minu jaoks :D Lõppude lõpuks läksingi koolitusele ju selleks, et midagi uut ja huvitavat (enda kohta) teada saada.

Tulemus sai ülimalt kena, ehkki igapäevaselt nii tugevat meiki ma ei kanna. Kuigi koolituse eesmärk oli õpetada pigem (kergemat) päevameiki, siis minu meik päevameik küll enam ei olnud, vähemalt mitte minu jaoks. Tulemus oli pigem rohkem modern smoky eye liinis :P

Pärast silmade valmissaamist korrigeerisin veelkord põsepuna, panin kergelt värvi kulmudele ja roosat läiget huuletele: Glam Shine 6H toonis 106 Forever Young. Leidsin endale ka uue mõnusa huulepliiatsi Contour Parfait toonis 656 Honey.

Pooleteise tunniga oli kõik valmis. Tehnika polnud iseenesest raske, aga mõni kogenematum pliks jäi vist küll veidi jänni. Mina sain aja piires võimaluse veel L'Oreal Paris erinevaid tooteid näppida ja Lanale hulgaliselt küsimusi esitada, ent lahkusin siiski ligi tunni enne kolmetunnise koolituse lõppu. Ma arvan, et ma uudishimuliku ilublogijana esitasin rohkem küsimusi kui kõik ülejäänud tüdrukud üldse kokku. Ja Lana oli väga lahke vastama!

Lahkudes sai igaüks kaasa kingikotikese. Minu kotikeses oli imekena tomatipunane huulepulk Ruby Explosion 387 kollektsioonist L'Or ja kuldne küünelakk 739 Bronze Goddess samast kollektsioonist. Mis teistel oli, ma ei tea, ehk samad asjad. Huulekas on tõesti hea: niisutav, kauapüsiv ja ideaalne toon minusuguse edeva blondiini jaoks!

Need olid minu kingikotis :)
See oli üks vahva koolitus, vaatamata asjaolule, et igapäevases meigis kasutan tegelikult keerulisemaid tehnikaid ja rohkem tooteid. Ka läks Lana õpetus veidi vastuollu tehnikatega, millega mina olen harjunud. Aga oli värskendav näha teist vaatenurka ja õppida tundma l'Oreal Paris tootevalikut. Uskuge või mitte – täna töistele kohtumistele minnes on mu silmadel üsna intensiinve tumesinine meik!

Suur tänu L'Orealile ja Lana Vallole toreda koolituse eest. Kui võimalik, osaleks teinekordki!
Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

P.S. Kes ostis voucheri Lana Vallo koolitusele, siis Lana ütles, et see tuleb põhimõtteliselt samasugune. Ainult et Jane Iredale ja TheBalm toodetega. Ja võtke fotokas kindlasti kaasa!

Oh, no: Naked again! Naked 2 palette release

I believe it's the official promo picture, from the internet.
Urban Decay have released today "the most anticipated sequel of the century" -- vol. 2 of their famous Naked palette. Along with some Naked shades for the 24/7 pencils and lips products. It's all over the blogs today around the world!

Of course I don't have it yet,  but you can see the palette and some quite good swatches here and here.

My initial thought of the palette is that it is too warm-colored for me and too similar to the initial Naked. I mean, most of us have barely acquired the first one yet. I'm not going to start another race for Naked, no, thank you. Besides, there are a lot of another options, like some Sleek palettes, if you need a good neutrals palette.

I am probably getting it anyway, some day. No rush.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

(Kuri)kuulus Urban Decay pani täna müüki järje oma kuulsale Naked paletile: Naked 2. Kuigi mõlemas paletis kordub vaid üks toon, arvan ma, et pole kiiret Naked 2 paleti omanikuks saamisega. Need kaks paletti on liiga sarnased. Ja olemas on ka häid alternatiive, nagu Sleek'i neutraalvärvidega paletid.

UK veebipoodides täna seda veel müügil ei näinud, aga küllap Naked 2 sinna varsti müügile ilmub. Nagu ka uued Naked-nime kandvad 24/7 silmapliiatsid ja huulemeigid.

Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An old Body Shop haul

I found some pictures of a really old haul from The Body Shop. It actually took place in September already, when The Body Shop had 20 % off from everything and 30 % off from make up products for two days. Since they had a similar discount going on in November, I thought I'd post this haul anyway.

So what did I get and what are the quick reviews?

First, I bought the small, 30 ml Almond hand Cream for carrying around my handbag and the other, Wild Rose Hand Cream just because of the smell. I'm going to do a separate post on hand creams, so I'll just say that these are one of the best I've ever used. I like both very much and need to use them more often, especially now when the weather is getting cold! I'm sorry I can't remember the price of these any more.

The Body Shop shower gels are one of my favourites too. They may seem expensive at first, but the gel is thick and lathers a lot, thus lasting for a long time. The variety of different smells is fabulous too.

The 250 ml Moringa showel gel was free with my purchase. Usually it's 7 euros. I had to actually Google to find out that moringa is a tropical tree. While I wouldn't have picked this one by myself, I still like the smell – it's fresh and woody at the same time.

The last item is the only make up item in this haul. I was looking for a good and subtle, not-too shiny highlighter and that's what the Shimmer Waves 02 Blush totally is! Most highlighters tend to be too glittery or frosty for my oily skin. It is illuminating, but doesn't turn you into a disco ball. It is a safe rosy daytime highlighter that blends well into my skin and I'm quite happy with this. I've worn the “waves” separately on my eyes too, although it is primarily meant for face and cheeks. 

Swatched on NC15 skin. You can hardly see it and that was the effect I was going for.
The minor faults I can find are that the powder itself might have been a bit softer and the compact a bit more elegant, but these are really no biggies.  The Shimmer Waves must have cost around 18 euros prior to discount. This was the most expensive of the bunch, but I don't regret at all!

That's all for this time. I'm sure I'll raid The Body Shop more in the future.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

See Body Shopi haul pärineb tegelikult juba septembrikuisest allahindlusest, aga postitan ikkagi, sest küllap tuleb neil soodukaid veelgi.

Kätekreemid ostsin lähenevat talveaega silmas pidades ja olen nendega väga rahul. Kavatsen teha ka põhjalikuma arvustuse.

Shimmer Waves särapuudriga toonis Blush olen eriti rahul, sest see on mõnusalt tagasihoidliku tooni ning sädelusega ja kõlbab kasutada ka päevasel ajal.

Moringapuu lõhnaga dušika sain ostuga tasuta kaasa ning see on samuti OK. Ahjaa, tasuta Body Shopi kliendikaardi sain ka ostudega kaasa, aga seda pildil ei ole.

Kokkuvõttes hea haul, Body Shopi poode kavatsen ka edaspidi rüüstata. Body Shopi allahindluste osas täitsa tasub silmad lahti hoida.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Catrice Iron Mermaiden NOTD

When I first saw this polish in the store, I thought: “Ha, this is one of the polishes people buy for the name only!” I didn't think much of the color there and then and even considered passing it by. But I somehow bought it anyway, must have been the name, the name...

Turns out I was completely wrong about Iron Mermaiden. Yes, the name is hilarious, but it is not the best thing about this polish! I really like the multichrome effects this polish has! In the bottle it looks as if it were a kind of dark grey with some green-blue reflections, but once on the nail it becomes dark lilac with tiny sparkles instead. Yet it manages to reflect dove grey and metallic green at the same time! 

The multichrome effect is unusually strong. All in all I find the polish very elegant on my nails. 

The only downside of this polish is that it is very thin and requires at least three coats to get a decent result. I did four coats. Fortunately this Mermaiden goes on smoothly and is rather quick to dry.

I bought it from one of the DrogerieMarkt stores in Germany. It cost me 1.75 euros.

Unfortunately Catrice is not being sold in Estonia. Now I'm a bit mad at myself I didn't take a closer look at their polishes while in Germany.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Saksa firma Catrice küünelakk toonis Iron Mermaiden (ha!) valmistas mulle tõelise üllatuse. Pudelis tagasihoidlikult hallikana paistnud lakk on küüntel imekaunis sirelililla, mis erinevas valguses peegeldab ka halli ja rohelist...

Kahju, et Catrice tooteid Eestis ei müüda. Järgmisel korral Saksamaal olles revideerin nende letti hoolsamalt :)

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Friday, November 25, 2011

Estonian beauty trade show haul, part 2

It's time for Black Friday hauls already, but I still haven't posted the other part of my big Estonian beauty trade fair haul – haircare and makeup items. Shame on me, I know … I'll try to fix the problem now.

Tigi Love Peace The Planet is Tigi's eco-friendly line free of parabens, sulphates, artificial colours and fragrances. Unfortunately the shampoos from that line were sold out, so I got two conditioners – Walking On Sunshine meant for daily use and Eco Awesome that should be a bit more moisturising. I haven't tried these yet, so I can't really tell about the effects. We'll see, but the green tubes look very promising and fit well to the color scene of my bathroom. I think they were eur 5 each.

I had more luck with the Some Like It Hot heat and humidity resistant line and got both the shampoo and conditioner. I've been wanting these for some time now and could have really used them at summer. The SA was a bit ironic and asked whether I was going to a tropic vacation soon. As far as I know of, I'm not, but no worries, I shall use them next spring and summer. Tigi discontinues their products quite quickly, so there's a fair chance that these might not be on sale any more next summer. It was only wise to buy them in advance with such a discount, right? Don't remember the exact price, but I think the discount was 50 % from the regular price.

On to the styling products. I have tried Freak of Nature volumizer and thickener a lot already. It's great! Another review to come! I havent't tried Save The Earth Straightener and Defrizzer yet, but I expect it to be as good as Freak of Nature. Control Freak Straightener is an old friend of mine and a repurchase, so naturally I have a high opinion of this. These products were 50 % off, so eur 8 each. This is a total bargain, because Love Peace & the Planets are eur 16.50 and Control Freak is eur 17.90 normally.

Eco Freako Texturizer was THE bargain of the fair. It was only eur 2 a pot, while it's normally eur 16.50! I got two, planning to use the other in a giveaway or as a gift to a friend. I have tried mine and this is good too.

Finally, the make up I got from the fair – Palladio products from Tradehouse. These are Baked Shadow Trio in Pop Idol and eye shadow quad in Tantalizing Taupe. These seemed very pigmented and promising when I swatched them in store. I think the quad was 5 euros instead of regular 8 euros and baked shadows had some kind of discount too.

Palladio Shadow & Liner pencils are my old favourites. They are easy to use, waterproof and stay on very well. So I collected some new shades: Olive, Black Pearl, Silver Bells and Eclipse. I wish there were more shades in the range. 5 euros instead of 7 each.

In case anyone missed my first post about Ilu Sõnum haul, I must say that it is a really good spot for discounted beauty products. You can see the first part of my epic haul here.

Sincerely Yours,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies: 

Teie ees on hiiglasliku ilumessi-hauli teine osa. Siirad vabandused, et pole viitsinud seda varem üles panna. Kõiki tooteid pole veel jõudnud proovida, aga olen leidnud uue lemmiku Tigi Love Peace The Planet ökosarjast: Freak of Nature volüümikreemi. Loodan, et sarja ülejäänud tooted on sama head. 

Viimasel pildil on ka natuke meiki Palladio toodete näol. Shadow & Liner pliiatsid on ammused lemmikud oma hea püsivuse poolest. Lauvärvid on alles katsetamisel.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Yves Rocher Jardins Du Monde Eco – a new range of organic shower stuff

I discovered lately, that Yves Rocher has launched a new series of organically certified shower gels or shower products to be precise. The range consists of three items so far: Organic La Gacilly Mallow Shower Cream, Organic Moroccan Argan Shower Gel and Organic African Shea Butter Shower Cream.

These all have a formula that is certified organic by Ecocert. (Ecocert is an independent organization that promotes organic farming and sustainable manufacture process of cosmetics, cleansing products. etc. Ecocert issues documents which certify that the products or services comply with their very high standards.)

The shower products are paraben-free with no artificial coloring, are pH balanced and have 100 % natural fragrance.

I think these news are very welcome. It was about time that the company that pronounces themselves “the first to offer botanical beauty care” and very nature-friendly in general took a step further and offered some true eco-cosmetics. I am quite astonished that they have been only blabbering about their nature-friendliness and showering us with pointless and unwanted “free gifts” with orders instead of launching anything nature-certified before.

I haven't had the chance to try these in the shower, but I did smell them in the shop. All of the smells were pleasant, quite mild and unisex. I have very much liked Yves Rocher shower gels before and have high expectations for this eco-range too.

The shower products cost eur 2.50 each. Available in Yves Rocher shops, via mail orders & in some countries online too.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian beauties:
Väidetavalt “loodusliku kosmeetika pioneer” Yves Rocher on hiljuti turule toonud uue mahesertifikaadiga pesemistoodete sarja. Sarja kuulub 3 toodet: Maroko argaaniaõli dušigeel, Aafrika Sheavõiga ja La Gacilly Malvaga dušikreemid. Tooted on kunstlike lõhna- ja värvainete ning parabeenide vabad ja tasakaalustatud pH-ga, neil on Ecocert sertifikaat.

Minu arvates ei ole Yves Rocher postkastidesse poetatava paberipahna kuhja ja soovimatute ning ülikoledate “tasuta” kingividinate poolest, millega mutikesed linnas ringi kõnnivad, just loodussõbralikkuse etalon. Olge normaalsed, milline kingitus on üldse tasuline? Siiski mõned tooted on neil päris head ja kindlasti soetan endale tulevikus ka mainitud dušikad.
Ammu oli aeg, et YR tootevalikusse tuleks mõned “päris” ökotooted.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull