Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An old Body Shop haul

I found some pictures of a really old haul from The Body Shop. It actually took place in September already, when The Body Shop had 20 % off from everything and 30 % off from make up products for two days. Since they had a similar discount going on in November, I thought I'd post this haul anyway.

So what did I get and what are the quick reviews?

First, I bought the small, 30 ml Almond hand Cream for carrying around my handbag and the other, Wild Rose Hand Cream just because of the smell. I'm going to do a separate post on hand creams, so I'll just say that these are one of the best I've ever used. I like both very much and need to use them more often, especially now when the weather is getting cold! I'm sorry I can't remember the price of these any more.

The Body Shop shower gels are one of my favourites too. They may seem expensive at first, but the gel is thick and lathers a lot, thus lasting for a long time. The variety of different smells is fabulous too.

The 250 ml Moringa showel gel was free with my purchase. Usually it's 7 euros. I had to actually Google to find out that moringa is a tropical tree. While I wouldn't have picked this one by myself, I still like the smell – it's fresh and woody at the same time.

The last item is the only make up item in this haul. I was looking for a good and subtle, not-too shiny highlighter and that's what the Shimmer Waves 02 Blush totally is! Most highlighters tend to be too glittery or frosty for my oily skin. It is illuminating, but doesn't turn you into a disco ball. It is a safe rosy daytime highlighter that blends well into my skin and I'm quite happy with this. I've worn the “waves” separately on my eyes too, although it is primarily meant for face and cheeks. 

Swatched on NC15 skin. You can hardly see it and that was the effect I was going for.
The minor faults I can find are that the powder itself might have been a bit softer and the compact a bit more elegant, but these are really no biggies.  The Shimmer Waves must have cost around 18 euros prior to discount. This was the most expensive of the bunch, but I don't regret at all!

That's all for this time. I'm sure I'll raid The Body Shop more in the future.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

See Body Shopi haul pärineb tegelikult juba septembrikuisest allahindlusest, aga postitan ikkagi, sest küllap tuleb neil soodukaid veelgi.

Kätekreemid ostsin lähenevat talveaega silmas pidades ja olen nendega väga rahul. Kavatsen teha ka põhjalikuma arvustuse.

Shimmer Waves särapuudriga toonis Blush olen eriti rahul, sest see on mõnusalt tagasihoidliku tooni ning sädelusega ja kõlbab kasutada ka päevasel ajal.

Moringapuu lõhnaga dušika sain ostuga tasuta kaasa ning see on samuti OK. Ahjaa, tasuta Body Shopi kliendikaardi sain ka ostudega kaasa, aga seda pildil ei ole.

Kokkuvõttes hea haul, Body Shopi poode kavatsen ka edaspidi rüüstata. Body Shopi allahindluste osas täitsa tasub silmad lahti hoida.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull

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