Remember I promised to do a review of the epic Lush cleanser Angels On Bare Skin in my post about Lush fresh face masks? Here it is!
I must start once again from the fact that my acquaintance with the cleanser began when I went to the Lush mask-making workshop. I admit that I had heard about it before, but was really indifferent and never thought any good about it. How wrong I was!
At the workshop I happened to be in the team that got to make Angels On Bare Skin. At first, all the ingidients were measured out for us. Basically, the cleanser consists of ground almonds, glycerine, powdered kaolin, water and some essential oils. All the ingredients were mixed together in a big bowl like a dough and then kneaded with our rubber-gloved hands.
When the dough was smooth enough, a big rolling pin and a big cutting board were brought out. The thick paste was rolled out like a pastry and some dried lavender flowers were sprinkled upon it. The Lush lady said that the lavender flowers give out their useful ingredients gradually into the dough while being in the mix. I don't know how true it is, but that was the way it was done.
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Pilt on varastatud Lushi FB lehelt. |
Next step was rolling up the dough like a Swiss roll or a roly-poly cake and cutting it into slices. The slices were fit into those small black Lush jars. Because there were some leftovers we had to fill the jars to the brim losing some of the nice appearance and texture, but what the heck – we got more product to take home with us!
I think it is unnecessary to say that all of the participants got full sized samples of Angels On Bare Skin made by our team and Catastrophe Cosmetics fresh face mask made by the other team.
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Samuti Lushi FB lehelt. |
I was a bit skeptical when I tried out the cleanser at home, but after a few days using it I was convinced! It really is an angelical product! The almond particles exfoliate my skin slightly, kaolin absorbs ecxess oils, lavender blossoms smell great and relaxing. Frankly, I don't know what the other essential oils do, but whatever it is, they do it great. It is quite savvy too, because I need only a small pinch of it each morning. What matters is that my combination-to-oily skin loves it!
I even bothered to take a small amount of it along to the vacation to Hungary this summer. The temperatures were up to 40 ° Celsius there and it still managed to keep the oilies at bay !
The only fault I can find with this product is that you are supposed to keep it in the fridge. Well, I can't remember to get it from the fridge every time before my morning shower, so I invented a solution – I put a small amount – let's say 3-4 days worth of it – in a small plastic jar I keep in the shower and replace while needed. This way it won't go bad and I have it at hand while taking my morning shower.
Don't know the exact price as I got it for free :) You can find some pictures of the workshop from Lush FB page (and yes, you can see me on the pictures, you just have to do the guessing game :P).
I simply must recommend the Lush's workshops again. If you have a chance to take part, do it, because it's very educating and entertaining as well!
Sincerely Yours,
Tolmu Rull
For my lovely Estonian ladies:
Lushi näopesuvahend Angels On Bare Skin on täiesti suurepärane! Mina omandasin oma esimese potsiku Lushi töötoas, kus valmistasime selle koostisosadest ise. Põhimõtteliselt oli valmistusprotsess sarnane rullbiskviidi tegemisega :P
Toode ise on rasuse või rasusepoolse naha jaoks tõeliselt hea. Mandlijahu koorib kergelt ja kaoliin imab rasu ning vähendab nahaläiget. Võtsin selle kaasa suvisele Ungari-tripile ja toimis hästi ka 40-kraadises kuumuses.
Soovitan igati Lushi töötubadest osa võtta, kui nad neid kunagi veel korraldama peaksid :)
Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull
Wao, seda oleks ise ka tahtnud teha, kuid kahju, et elan liiga kaugel. Olen ka ise kasutanud Angel on Bare Skin ja see meeldis mulle väga, aga hetkel kasutan Buche De Noel puhastajat mis meeldib mulle isegi natukene rohkem. Kahju, et see ainult hooajakaup on :( ja varu ka ju osta ei saa, ainult 3 kuud püsib...
ReplyDeleteBuche De Noel'i tahaks ma küll proovida! Tundub, et võiks mulle sobida.
ReplyDeleteMuu koha pealt ma usun, et Lushi töötubasid toimub vahel ka UK-s, tuleb reklaame jälgida.