Tuesday, August 30, 2011

10 % off at Quum. Today only!

I love promotions and discounts!

Today, Estonian webshop Quum that sells fragrances and discounted beauty items gives you 10 % off of the merchandise they have at their warehouse or office. (I don't know which one it is.) This goes for shipping too.  They ship worldwide. You have to use code D7884402 at checkout. The offer is good today only.

You can get even a better discount if you have bought something from them before and scored their bonus points called quumikad. I think the maximum amount of bonus points you can use per order is worth 3.40 euros. Not bad, eh?

I am not affiliated with the shop, but I have bought from them several times. I think the service is pretty good, shipping costs are reasonable and sometimes they give you free samples or free gifts with your order. And it is an Estonian business, that is good of course. On the other hand, sometimes their merchandise is a bit more expensive than in other shops. Still, Quum gets thumbs up from me! 

Sincerely Yours,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Täna ja ainult täna kehtib Quumis 10 % allahindlus koha peal olemasolevale kaubale, kasutades koodi D7884402. Kui oled varem sealt tellinud ja sul on quumikaid, siis võid saada veel kuni 3.40 eurot alla. Julgen kodumaist kosmeetika veebipoodi soovitada!

Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull


  1. Ma ei saa enam see kuu midagi osta. Kahjuks. :(

  2. Tellisin quum.eu keskkonnast endale mõned vidinad 24.juuli 2011. Kätte pole neid saanud siiani.
    Seega isikliku vimma põhjal ütleks, et sealt küll ei tasu midagi tellida...

  3. Mina olen saanud sealt tellitud tooted kätte vist nädalaga, aga ma muidugi tellisin koha peal olemasolevaid asju. Kui sinu kaup tuleb kuskilt USA-st või Hong Kongist, pole kuuajalises ooteajas midagi imelikku. Mul on isegi elf tulnud Inglismaalt kuu aega. Kirjuta Quumi ja uuri, ma arvan, et saad oma paki varsti kätte.

    P.S. Mida tellisid?
