Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another (and much better!) brazilian bikini wax

I think this cat has just had a bad brazilian :) 

Long time, no see. I know, I owe you this review or a long time already, but due to unexpected circumstances I had to postpone both the wax and the review for some time. But here it is.

The cat's picture I stole from here.

For my second brazilian bikini wax I went to a salon called Kamibi. It is a somewhat funny African themed beauty salon in Tallinn. A piece of the interior looks like this:

This picture I stole from here.

This time I didn't prepare myself much, as I knew it's not so bad. I was mentally ready for some pain and discomfort though.

When I got to the salon, I was led to the procedure room accompanied by the waxer Kadri.
To be honest, the room looked a bit shabby and bare, with an artificial palm for hanging your overclothes and a big giraffe painting on the wall. The waxer locked the door and started to wash her hands and prepare the tools.

It felt somewhat uncomfortable to undress in front of the waxer, but what the hell. I was given no disposable thong either, I had to climb to the waxing table butt naked. While doing this, I noticed that the towel the table was covered with looked not so clean and new and there was no disposable paper cover on the table. Hmm.

I don't care much about the disposable thong, it doesn't give you any real coverage as the waxer has to pull and tug it away all the time anyway. It is more of a disturbance to the waxer's work than a protection to your modesty. But I feel I deserve a clean bed and a clean towel.

Kadri covered me with another towel, asked me to bend one leg to the side, sprayed some Cutasept and talcum powder on me and began. She used Sukar products.

Guess what? The whole thing was over in about 20 minutes. I couldn't believe it at first.

Kadri was really quick and skillful with the whole thing and while I felt some minor discomfort and a startling feeling when she was doing the most sensitive spots, I can't say I felt any real pain. She didn't ask me to pull my skin with my own hands either and did it all by herself, shifting the towel and occasionally asking me to change positions.

She was very thorough and achieved a really clean and nice result with barely any redness and swelling and no sticky feeling afterwards. It even made me grin, when she was eyeing my bikini design like an artist would look at the painting to make sure it was all perfect.

On the other hand, she was not wearing any rubber gloves during the procedure. That made me a little uncomfortable too, because there is a possibility of some nasty diseases spreading. I'm not completely sure spraying Cutasept to the hands and the client's privates helps. I think I shall ask about it next time.

It is really true what has been said many times about the bikini waxes: the first time is the worst and it gets only better every next time. And as I found out on my own, khm, skin, the experienced waxer is very important as well. Kadri said she has been in the body waxing business for 16 years and doing the brazilians for 10 years. That's some experience, right? She was really astonished to hear that my first bikini wax took 1,5 painful hours!

While I'm still on the fence about all the hygiene requirements being followed completely in Kamibi salon, I think it was still a good waxing experience. In fact, with the clean towels and gloves it would have been nearly perfect. I would not recommend Ingli Roos salon for bikini waxes any more  (see my previous review here), although the salon looked a bit fancier.

I think the morals of this story are: be very careful about choosing the beauty salon. I think it goes for the Estonian salon scene in general, not only for brazilians.

The brazilian at Kamibi costs 27 euros, I got it for half price, as I had a pre-paid voucher. If you think about the clean feeling, the comfort of being virtually hair free for weeks and the cost of good razors nowadays, even the full price it's not that expensive.

No pictures this time either :P If you wonder, what design did I get, it's called the Landing Strip (see here).

Sincerely Yours,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Teist korda käisin brasiilia vahatamist tegemas salongis Kamibi. Seekordne kogemus oli eelmisest palju parem – kõik oli valmis ligikaudu 20 minutiga, valus polnud peaaegu üldse ja erilist punetust pärast protseduuri ka mitte. Seega supertöö Kadrilt, kes oma sõnutsi on tavalist vahatamist teinud kuusteist ja brasiilia soenguid juba kümme aastat!

Samas ei saa öelda, et kõik oleks olnud perfektne. Olen selle salongi suhtes kahtleval seisukohal, sest ruumike, kus protseduur läbi viidi, polnud just kõige hubasem, käterätik protseduurilaual polnud ka just kõige puhtam ja vahataja ei kandnud kummikindaid. Tunnistan, et ma päris täpselt ei pannud tähele, kas ta laotas selle rätiku lauale minu jaoks või see juba oli seal enne. Kahtlustan siiski viimast, sest pärast protseduuri silus ta räti taas sirgeks, mitte ei võtnud kohe ära ega visanud pesukorvi. Ma saan aru, et vautšerikampaania oli ja kliente on palju, aga ikkagi...

Minu jaoks on see paras mõttekoht, sest mingeid haigusi ilusalongist ma küll saada ei taha. Kuidas teie arvate, kas tasuks vaatamata neile kitsaskohtadele uuesti minna?

Ingli Roosi salongi ma vahatamiseks küll enam ei soovita, sealne kosmeetik oli Kadriga võrreldes tõeline kobakäpp. Teen täpsustuse ka oma eelmisesse arvustusse.

Brasiilia vahatamise hind on Kamibis 27 euri (suht sama, mis mujal salongides), mina sain vautšeriga poole odavamalt.

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull


  1. True, the first time is often hard. You think uncomfortable thoughts, nagged on about the stories about unpleasant discomfort. Once you get past that, you become more prepared for your next bikini waxing experience.

    Justine Cricks

  2. yup i agree when you do first time it,s really often hard. if you do this second time then you become more prepared for wax.
    Brazilian wax

  3. Thank you for your post , find out more tips and techniques for removing pubic hair and more about Brazilian bikini wax on Brazilian wax and removing pubic hair methods.
