Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ontic Minerals Peacock exclusive eye shadow collection swatches & review! Uus ja eksklusiivne lauvärvikollektsioon Ontic Minerals'ilt!

Today, my lovelies, I have something very special for you! Remember the Estonian first MMU company Ontic Minerals I've been telling you about (here & here)?

Well, you'd better do, because they have launched a brand new exclusive collection of eye shadows (their first exclusive!) and I have the privilege to tell you all about it! I know I have done previous posts on Ontic Minerals mostly in Estonian, but I'm pretty sure I would like to introduce these to everyone else also, so this one is going to be in both languages.

The collection is called Peacock, as you could probably notice from the header.  They are launched specially for the Estonian biggest beauty trade fair of the year Ilu Sõnum/Beauty Word. It consists of four mineral eyeshadows:

  • Green Peace: a kiwi green;
  • Queen of the Beauty Fair: something between cocoa and taupe;
  • Kiss of a Peacock: a full on yellow;
  • Shine like a star: medium denim blue.

I could have a touch on these about two weeks ago at Ontic Minerals event. I couldn't resist and two of these came home with me from MOM event. I shall probably purchase the other two as well (dear hubs, don't be mad, this is money well spent!)

Queen of the Beauty fair

Green Peace
But I'm going to show you the whole collection, as Nadja from Ontic Minerals was kind enough to send me the samples of the other two.

Kiss of a peacock and Shine like a star
These eyeshadows do not contain mineral oil or other petroleum derivates, parabens, gluten, perfume, dyes, talc, bismuth oxycloride, nanoparticles, sulfates, silicones, synthetic colourings, mineral oil. Basically, they should be pure goodness for your skin!

OK, let's torture you no more, the swatches!

L to R: Green Peace, Queen of the Beauty fair, Shine like a star, Kiss of a peacock.  Swatched over UDPP .
These shadows are very soft, buttery, highly pigmented and in gorgeous colours! BTW, did you notice the tiny holographic particles?

Without UDDP, on bare skin.
Queen of the Beauty fair is probably the most pigmented, while Kiss of a peacock is basically matte. Kiss of a peacock is easier to use with a primer, as you can probably notice from the photo above.

I must also note the amazing staying power of these. The swatches only came off with a remover of waterproof makeup.

I haven't had a proper chance to test them in my daily makeup yet, but I expect them to be very good. Must I mention that the colours are totally coordinating with the current jewel eyes trend? Probably not.

The eyeshadows come in elegant 2g shifter jars and cost 9.95 euros each.

These are not available on Ontic Minerals website yet and I forgot to ask whether they are LE or not. You can definitely see them at the upcoming beauty trade fair Ilus Sõnum/ Beauty Word. All mineral makeup by Ontic Minerals is 20 % off at the beauty fair Ilu Sõnum/Beauty Word next weekend, so be sure to visit!

Yours truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Eesti esimene mineraalmeigifirma Ontic Minerals toob spetsiaalselt järgmisel nädalavahetusel toimuvaks ilumessiks Ilu Sõnum välja uue eksklusiivse lauvärvide kollektsiooni Peacock ehk paabulind. Ontic'u kodukalt seda veel ei leia, niiet nautige swatch'e!

Paabulinnu sabasulgedelt laenatud toonides lauvärvid on imeilusates värvides, tugeva pigmendiga, väga hästi püsivad ja sisaldavad imepisikesi holograafilisi osakesi. 

Ja muidugi ei sisalda need nahale kahjulikke koostisosi nagu talk, vismut oksükloriid, parabeenid, nanoosakesed, sulfaadid, silikoonid ja nafta jääkproduktid.

Lauvärvid maksavad 9.95 eurot 10 g sõelakesega elegantse topsiku kohta.

Need lauvärvid ja ka kõik muud Ontic Mineral'si mineraalmeigi tooted on ilumessil 20 % soodsamad. Ilumessihuvilised: juba varsti on siin blogis samuti tulemas midagi suurepärast, nimelt üks väike loosimine! 

Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull


  1. Kas sa ostsid siis minisuuruses värvid? Pildilt on ju selgelt näha, et toodet on 2g, mitte 10.

    Nägin Ontic mineralsi tooteid juba kevadel Tartu ilumessil ning kindlasti külastan nende boksi ka Tallinnas. :)

  2. Aitäh terava silma eest, Liis! Parandasin ära.

    Ma ei teagi, kust ma selle 10 g võtsin (ilmselt on mineraalsed põhjad selles suuruses?). Siiski on 2g toodet täitsa piisavalt, tavaliselt ongi lauvärvid ju 2-3 g vahel. 10 g oleks hiiglaslik :)

  3. Jep, 10g kõlab tõesti nagu meigipõhi :)

  4. No kui tohtril pole terav silm, siis kellel veel, eks?
    Sinuga läheks luurele küll, Liis :P

  5. Kasutan meigipõhja, põsepuna, kinnituspuudrit... SUPER!!!
    Minu probleemne näonahk tunneb end palju paremini ja paraneb :D

  6. 10 gr per volume purgid on, sellepärast :)

  7. Point taken :) Blondu jääb blonduks, pole parata.
