Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Adorebox review: is there anything to actually adore?

Tadadaa, yesterday morning I got my first Adorebox. It's good that I just had barely got out of my robe when the nice delivery guy came :P

If you are not familiar with the concept, Adorebox is a mystery beauty box you order from the web for 11.99 euros and get delivered each month. It promises 4-5 samples and/or full-size products per box for 11.99 euros, free delivery. 

So, what did I get in my September box?

  • Anne Lind 150 ml body lotion with Guarana scent. 7.35 eur. 

This is the highlight of this box. It's a lovely, 100 % natural body lotion, free from preservatives, synthetic colourants, mineral oil and silicones, produced according to the BDIH guidelines for natural products. Besides smelling yummy it sinks into the skin really fast too.

The downside? I just bought exactly the same lotion from Ilu Sõnum/Beauty Word trade show two days ago! And the Adorebox one came without the original cardboard box. I think I'll shut my eye on the fact that I already have one and shall happily use it up nevertheless. 
  • Royal Functionality brush set. 3.95 eur. 

Sorry, but these brushes are actually a royal fail! Their shape and quality of hair is unbelievably poor and they stink of cheap plastic! They're too flimsy for decent use too. Or maybe my daughter could use these for some play makeup, but I'm not too sure these are up to even that job. I think they'll go straight to the bin. 
  • Esprit lipstick in 302 Beige Chic. 9.90 eur.
I didn't know Esprit had their own cosmetics line :S Hmm... a frosty brown beige, a shade that used to be "chic" 20 years ago or so. Really? I might, just might, try it on, but I'm quite sure this shade would look very unflattering on me. To the bin probably.
  • Nivea Pure Diamond Eye Shadows 5.50 eur.

Three highly shiny shadows in one box, I have them in white +green shades. These seem nice, although I haven't tried them on yet. At least it seems like these won't be a bin material completely...
  • Stenders Bath Bubble ball, 2.90 eur. 

Handmade bath bubble in a shape of a ball. Looks like a small orange :) The letter says it should smell as good as Sundays breakfast. Well, mine smells more like a Toilet Duck. Have I managed to mention that I don't have a bathtube in my apartment?

I might be able to use this doing a foot bath (in the case I manage somehow to survive the stink, of course). Otherwise -- a bin material again.

So I'm not sure what to think of Adorebox. I love the fact that the products are full size. I love the nice packaging and included delivery service, but surely, if three out of my five products are bin material, I could do something better with my 11.99? What do you think?

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian readers: 

Sain eile hommikul kätte oma esimese Adoreboxi. Kes veel ei tea, mis see on, võib uurida siit. Põhimõtteliselt on süsteem lihtne: maksad 11.99 euri ja sulle tuuakse järgmisel kuul koju karbike 4-5 ilutootega. Mis need täpselt on, näed siis, kui karbi avad. 

Ma ei teagi, kas olla Adoreboxiga rahul või mitte. Ühest küljest on Anne Lindi kehakreem hea “saak”, aga ülejäänud kraam on kas ebakvaliteetne, lootusetult moest läinud või täiega ebavajalik. Ja see WC-puhastaja lõhnaga vannipall, öäk! Seega viiest üks pihta või nii... Ma pole päris kindel, kas raiskan raha ja tellin ka järgmise kuu karbi...

Ootan teie  mõtteid ja arvamusi Adoreboxi kohta.

Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull


  1. Toilet Duck:D Mõnusalt humoorikalt kirjutatud tutvustus. Kuigi sisuliselt on asi naljast kaugel ilmselgelt.
    Minu jaoks ainuke feil olid need pintslid, ülejäänud on täitsa mõistlikud asjad.

  2. Oleksin ilmselt samuti palju rohkem rahul, kui huulekas oleks ilusama tooniga ja ma poleks just seda kreemi endale ostnud. Ehk järgmisel korral veab paremini?

  3. Latvian adore box was pretty close. but (to my mind) even worse :) Thank Goodness this month I decided to spend my money on something better :) Here is a post of one Latvian blogger for the last adorebox

  4. Haha, I can see that "garbage bin" was mentioned in that post too :) Thank you for pointing this post out for me, Camille!
