This year, it was bigger and better than ever, with 272 companies showing their stuff!
Also, there was a massive – and I mean massive! – advertising campaign going on before the fair. Whenever I opened FB or a magazine, turned on the telly or even walked on the street: beauty fair ads where everywhere.
10 minutes after 10 AM: quite a lot of people already! |
Well, it must have paid off, because the fair gounds were pretty packed by 11 AM and by 2 PM it was getting quite impossible to move around and there were more people waiting in a que to get in. I went on two days and the situation was pretty much the same in Friday and Saturday.
Ontic Minerals team is ready for the day :) |
One of the prettiest makeups I saw... |
I did most of my beauty shopping in Friday (I'll show you the haul pictures pretty soon!). As always, there were some great deals around and you must not underestimate the mingling: beauty fair was a perfect chance to meet up and chat with some dear old friends and to make some new ones.
Some colourful body art. |
On Saturday, we had Estonian beauty bloggers meet-up and a small group interview, that was broadcasted all along the trade fair grounds. Six beautiful ladies participated and Liis from Beautyfromliz was behind the whole idea. The interview that should have lasted for an hour was actually over in 15 minutes. We all had our chance to say what we are blogging about and why we do it and whether Estonian women are beautiful or not :) I must say the interview thing made me pretty nervous, but I guess it went well after all. I don't believe very many people had real interest or patience to listen to us, but it was still kind of nice being called one of the top beauty bloggers in Estonia or something like that in public. Yeah, really :P
Some works from the makeup competition that was held during the show. |
After the interview, Angelika had her makeup done by Grete, while we others toured the trade fair together, staying at each others heels like a row of ducklings :)
Angeelika is ready for her makeup at Peggy Sage. |
While Angeelika was ready, we joined our forces to get a good deal on haircare products. At the end there was 19 products in our basket and I am so sorry that I haven't got a picture of this massive hair care haul!
Random girls haggling over some haircare products at SalonPlus :D |
By then, it was afternoon already and I started to feel a bit tired from all the crowds, noise and shopping decisions. I must also sadly note that my falsies
wanted to come sort of loose on one eye during the day because my eyes watered so badly. I think it might be the glue's fault that somehow irritated
the eyes. Whoever wants to be left with only one eye of falsies in a
beauty fair where every other woman looks like a supermodel??? No, not me.
Liis K is testing some classic fragrances by Dzintars from Latvija :) |
So it was adieu for this year and I am already looking forward to Ilu Sõnum/Beauty Word 2013!
In the meantime, I shall turn my greedy eyes in the direction of the beauty trade shows abroad :)
Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull
For my lovely Estonian ladies:
Nädalavahetusel toimus viimaks see kuulus ilumess Ilu Sõnum 2012, mille reklaame me söögi alla ja söögi peale juba mitu nädalat vaadanud ja kuulanud oleme. Ma olen ilumessil käinud mitmeid kordi, kuid nii suurt ja võimsat messi kui tänavu ei mäletagi. Osalejaid jagus tervelt nelja halli ja müügiks pakuti kõike juuksetoodetest ja küünelakkidest kuni ehete, sukkade, pesu, villaste kinnaste ja magnetkäevõrude, käsitööseepide ja aroomisooladeni. Otse loomulikult olid paljud tooted “messihinnaga” ehk siis palju-palju soodsamad kui tavaliselt.
BeautyPro booth was crowded at all times. |
Mõned pakkumised on juba traditsioonilisteks saanud. Näiteks BeautyPro, mis pakub juba mitmendat korda vanemaid China Glaze küünelakitoone võileivahinnaga ja SalonPlus, mis igal aastal üllatab eriti hea hinnaga shampoonide-palsamitega Tigi'lt, Rich'ilt, Joico'lt jne. Minu suur lemmik on juba mitu aastat ka Pilgrim Outlet, kust leian alati soodsa hinnaga ehteid ja kellasid.
Lisaks soodukatele teeb ilumessi minu jaoks eriti mõnusaks asjaolu, et messile tuleb oma suletud kontoriuste tagant välja ka vähemtuntud meigi- ja nahahooldussarjade maaletoojaid, kelle asju igas supermarketis müügilt ei leia. Suur osa sellest kraamist on üldse proffidele mõeldud, aga messilt saab neid asju osta igaüks. Mulle meeldib!
Peggy Sage had a huge booth with lots of selection. |
Ka tänavu olid messil väljas mitmed ettevõtted, millest ma olin küll kuulnud, aga veel polnud saanud võimalust järele proovida. Minu jaoks suurimateks üllatajateks Peggy Sage ja NYX: viimase kohta ma isegi ei teadnud, et seda Eestis müüakse, aga tuleb välja, et müüakse ja koguni kahes kohas! Mõnusad avastused olid ka eriti hea hinna-kvaliteedi suhtega (loe: odavad) Bella Oggi ja lauvärvisari Film Maquillage, mõlemad Itaaliast.
NYX lip glosses and palettes. |
Võrreldes varasemate aastatega oli messil märgata rohkem mineraalmeiki ja muidu looduslikke/ökotooteid ja vähem küünekaunistusi ning muud maniküürimudru. Sellise suundumuse vastu pole mul üldiselt midagi :)
Ahjaa, ja siis oli mul koos teiste ilublogijatega võimalus messil nautida oma viitteist kuulsuseminutit, sest messiraadios tehti meiega väike intervjuu, kus saime öelda, miks ja millest blogime ja mida üleüldse arvame Eesti naise ilust :D Ma eriti ei usu, et keegi meie loba pingsalt kuulas, aga no tore oli ikka. Millegipärast on palju raskem olla intervjueeritav kui intervjueerija :)
Kokkuvõttes jäin messiga väga rahule. Kui eelmise aasta mess tundus veel veidike "masumessina", siis sel aastal oli üritus küll täies purjes. Järgmisel aastal jälle!
Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull
hehee.. ma tean neid rändom tüdrukuid, või noh vähemalt seda lilla salguga neiut ;)
ReplyDeleteTeinekordki võin millegi eestvedaja olla, teiega oli tore!
Nad nägid nii mõhkjatölpalikult lahedad välja, et seda pilti polnud võimalik panemata jätta :)
ReplyDeleteJa ma täiega unustasin selle lõhnaõli osta! Mul vanaema elas pikka aega Riias, tal oli täpselt seesama sirelilõhn - täielik nostalgia... Püsivust vaid polnud sellel kahjuks.
ReplyDeleteLiisK see sama kosmeetika pood on meil vist kooli kõrval Maximas. Võin sealt vaadata, kui soovid. :D
DeleteEhk saab seda kuskilt veel osta? L-Cosmetics'i poodides on äkki?
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew about this exhibition, I would go to Tallinn to visit it. We will have our exhibition Baltic Beauty World in the beginning of November, going to visit it!
ReplyDeleteWell, Troya, now you know and can make some plans for next year!
DeleteI am probably coming to see Baltic Beauty World and maybe some other girls from Estonia will join me.