The last months of 2012. were not exactly the time of my life. Hence the big pause in blogging.
I've thought of quitting, but blogging and reading other blogs is too much fun to drop entirely.
So I peek out a bit to the blog world again and post something old I wrote a few months back already, just to test the waters :P
The 42 questions tag is a super old tag itself, but since I had a lot of fun reading the answers to this tag from other bloggers and spent a lot of time filling it out, I might as well post it. I just edited my preferences a bit, so that they would be current.
1. How many times do you wash your face daily?
Once, in the morning. At night I use eye makeup remover, some cleansing milk and a toner and/ or simply wet wipes.
2. What skin type do you have?
Combination to oily, I'd say. Good in one sense, not so good in anothers.
3. What is your current facial wash?
Right now, I alternate between Alverde Naturkosmetik Aqua Washgel Meeresalge and Elizabeth Arden 2-in-1 Cleanser.
4. Do you exfoliate?
Yes, once or twice a week. Otherwise my skin would feel dirty and I would get the feeling it can't breathe at all.
I like very much those daily wash-and-exfoliate solutions such as Garnier Pure Anti-blackhead Deep Pore Wash or Lush Angels On Bare Skin (see my full review
here), as this type of light exfoliation works well on my skin, but currently I don't use a daily exfoliator.
I also use Sothys Desquacrem deep cleanser sometimes after exfoliating. It's not an outright chemical exfoliator, but it does dissolve impurities pretty well and leaves my skin fresh.
5. What brand do you use?
Generally, I prefer exfoliators with micro beads. Avon Liiv Botanicals Revitalizing Facial Scrub used to be my holy grail exfoliator. Unfortunately the tube is nearly gone and the product itself has been discontinued. Must see, if it`s still available on eBay... I plan to use Blue Corn 3-in-1 Deep Cleansing Scrub Mask from The Body Shop instead and am thinking of getting Vitamin E Cream Exfoliator from The Body Shop as an alternative.
6. What moisturizer do you use?
It's a common misconception that oilier skintypes don't need moisturising! In fact, my skin does produce more oil if not taken proper care of and it lacks moisture. I try to use light moisturisers or serums mostly, nothing too heavy or greasy.
In daytime, I use Green Nature Porgandikreem (a moisturiser with carrot oil from an Estonian natural cosmetics company). I also have a slight flirtation with BB creams going on right now.
In nighttime, I use Lumene Arctic Aqua 2-in-1 Skin Perfecting Moisture Booster. Neither is totally perfect for me, so I'll use them up and move on.
My summer favourite was Neal's Yard Remedies Rose Moisturiser, read full review
7. Do you have freckles?
Yes, I do, on my nose mostly. They became more noticeable in summertime. I'd say I quite like them :)
8. Do you use an eye cream?
Yes, of course! Separate ones for day and night actually (
blush :)), as I'm not getting any younger and have some laugh lines around my eyes already. In nighttime I use Avon Anew Genics Eye Treatment and in daytime I use something a lot lighter, like Biotherm Multi Recharge Yeux right now.
9. Do you or don't you have acne prone skin?
No, I don't. I do get occasional pimples, spots and blackheads, but I've never had a case of severe cystic acne in my life.
10. Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No. Nor any other treatment for severe acne.
11. What foundation to you use?
I used to like Oriflame Giordani Gold Adaptive Foundation the most, but lately I've grown to dislike all liquid foundations for some reason. So I'm currently exploring new grounds and flirting with BB-creams (as I mentioned earlier), compact foundations and and mineral bases.
12. How about a concealer?
Sure. I use something light reflecting like YSL Touche Eclat or Clarins Instant Light under my eyes and a heavier concealer from Sephora on pimples occasionally. Garnier Caffeine Tinted Eye Roll was pretty good too, see full review here.
13. Do you know your undertone?
My skin does not have a strong undertone. It's light, but pretty neutral, so I can go both ways. I tend to prefer slightly rosier foundations though, they look healthier to my eye. I must admit, I have a complicated skin tone, for I do tan quite well (for me at least :P) and then in summertime a bit of yellow undertone is in order.
14. What do you think of fake lashes?
I love the effect of them! I can apply glue-on falsies onto myself and others as well without a problem, but I don't have a chance to use them very often. They're meant for festive occasions and photo shoots, I think. Certainly you wouldn't wear falsies for cleaning the bathroom, just going to the grocery store or making some jam. Unless you were Sophia Vergara. Or would you?
I've had permanent lash extensions once. Frankly, I hated those. They had just so many minuses, from being expensive, needing a lot of care and irritating my eyes. They did a lot of damage to my own lashes, so I won't be repeating the experience probably.
Oh, and one more fun fact as a bonus for you: I can't really wear individual eye lash strands, because my own lashes have too much of a curl.
15. Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, I did know that! I do refuse to take this statement as a fact. I do believe that beauty companies invented that silly “rule” as a clever tactic to make you buy more mascara and more often.
I don't share my mascara with other people, I don't have regular bacteria induced eye infections, I don't spit in my mascara (yuk!), I don't pump air in it, I don't dilute it with water, I don't keep it in direct sunlight for unlimited amounts of time etc. etc. so I use my mascara until it starts to dry up.
16. What brand of mascara do you use?
I don't really care. I have quite long lashes naturally, so most brands work pretty well for me.
17. Sephora or MAC?
I think this is a stupid question. MAC is only a certain brand of cosmetics, but Sephora is a store chain that sells cosmetics from many other high end make up and skin care brands besides their own house brand.
I would probably prefer Sephora from the two, as they have more options to choose from. Besides, I find Sephora Professional line brushes slightly better than MAC brushes.
(My hubby probably screams and swears as reading this. Apparently, he prefers MAC. He's never purchased a MAC product in his life, but he has awaited at the door of many Sephoras. So the reaction is quite explainable :P)
18. Do you have a MAC PRO card?
No, I don't, but I certainly wish I had one. I always like a good discount program. I'm not sure whether there is a pro card program in Estonia though.
19. What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
Brushes mostly. Sometimes an occasional sponge or a cotton bud comes out to play too. I don't use my fingers, as I have long fingernails that tend to interfere with product application.
20. Do you use makeup base/primer for the eyes?
Yes, usually I do. Creased eyeshadow is my pet peeve. Too Faced Shadow Insurance is my current favourite.
21. Do you use makeup primer for the face?
Yes, if I don't forget to use it. Oily & shiny face is another pet peeve of mine. I like Lumene Beauty Base Mattifying Primer the best so far.
22. What is your favorite eyeshadow color/shade?
Ivory white and other nude shades in pearly and matte both. And taupes, of course. I can never resist a beautiful taupe :) Bright shades are beautiful and tempting, but I don't use them much myself.
23. Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
I use both, but I tend to prefer pencil eyeliners for everyday use. Liquid liners look rather harsh in daytime, I like to go for a more natural look instead.
24. How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
That has never happened to me. I've poked my eye with mascara though. That hurts badly.
25. What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
Do I have to have special thoughts about certain type of eyeshadows?
In my opinion, pigments are pretty much needed for evening/party/fancy makeup to add that special shimmer & glimmer. In everyday makeup, they're a bit too much to wear. Unless you work as a stripper or hooker, of course.
26. Do you use mineral makeup?
I'm JUST flirting with it at the moment. Has a great potential for me though. Read more
here &
27. What is your favorite lipstick?
I don't have a signature shade. I alternate between rosy nudes, bright reds, pinks and berries.
28. What is your favorite lipgloss?
Usually, I just grab whatever works for the day. I like glosses from Chanel, NYX and Too Faced.
29. What is your favorite blush to use?
Nars Deep Throat in wintertime, Benefit Bella Bamba and Avon Sun Powder Pearls in summertime. These belong to my current routine of blush. MAC And Sleek Makeup blushes are also awesome.
30. Do you buy your makeup from eBay?
Yes, I do. So many brands are just not available in Estonia. But I don't ever buy any expensive high end brand make up like MAC, Benefit, Nars, Chanel, Dior etc from there, because I would probably end up with a fake product.
31. Do you like drugstore makeup?
Yes. Nowadays the quality can be as good as you'd get from high end expensive brands, but I'll be paying a lot less. So why not? But lately high end brands lure me a little bit more.
32. Do you go to cosmetic company outlets?
Yes. Who wouldn't like to buy a really high-end brand new 25-euro eyeshadow for 2 euros, eh? That has really happened to me!
33. Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
Yes. Actually I have completed a full-on 160-hour make up class. I can do makeup on other people pretty well, but I find it a bit complicated to do a perfect eye makeup to myself. I am pretty good at lips and bases, I think.
34. Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Yes, I am. I know a lot of tips and tricks in theory, but I just need more practice. Practice makes perfect, they say.
35. Makeup crime that you hate?
Too thick, badly blended and false coloured foundation that looks like mortar on the face. Ugly overplucked eyebrows in unnatural colours. Entirely shaven eyebrows drawn back to the wrong place. Old Russian lady look: bright blue eyeshadow on eyes and bright pink lipstick on lips worn together. Tramp stamp tattoos. Permanent falsies in neon colours. Too harsh and heavy black liner. It's an endless list.
Unfortunately, you have a pretty fair chance of seeing all these together in Estonia while using public transport.
36. Do you like colorful shades of makeup?
Sure! My special preference belongs to bright, saturated lipsticks. I just love a full-on Marilyn look, with natural, but heavily lined eyes and bright red mouth.
37. Which celebrity always has great makeup?
Marilyn Monroe was perfect! In the modern world I like Jennifer Aniston for her always tanned no-makeup makeup look.
Picture somewhere from internet. |
But then, Jennifer Lopez looks so good too … and Katy Perry … and Kirsten Dunst (especially as Marie Antoinette in the movie).
38. If you could leave the house wearing just one makeup item, what would it be?
A light coat of loose powder to tame down the shine a bit.
39. Could you leave the house without any makeup on at all?
Yes, I could and I do it regularly, not a problem for me.
40. Do you think you look good even without any makup on?
No. That fact does not stop me going without makeup.
41. What is the best makeup line?
There's no such thing in Earth. Every line has it's advantages and disadvantages, good and bad products.
42. What do you think of makeup?
Makeup isn't the most necessary thing in life, but it's pure joy & fun.
OK, now you know my skincare & makeup preferences quite well. As it is customary with this tag, I tag everyone who wishes to fill it. Consider yourself tagged :)
In a few days, I'll try to bring you the second part of my visit to Baltic Beauty. It was long time ago, I know, but there are some interesting pictures to be posted. The mantra is better late than never, right?
Next week I'll pay a short visit to Munich, one of my favourite cities in the world. So some impressions of my German shopping experience are in order too.
Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull
For my lovely Estonian ladies:
Oi ei, seda saagat tõlkima ma ei hakka. Põhimõtteliselt on tegu vastustega 42le nahahoolduse- ja meigiteemalisele küsimusele, mis ammust ajast blogide vahet ringlevad.
Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull