Thursday, June 28, 2012

My biggest beauty buy ever. Hint: it's HUGE

As I hinted in the comments of my last post about beauty shopping abroad, I managed to take a little trip again. This time it was a roadtrip to Poland. In spite of the fact that it took place during European Football Championships 2012, I didn't go to Poland for football, but purely for fun and pleasure. And some shopping of course :P

One of the main advantages of a road trip is the opportunity to fit in loads and loads of luggage and boy, did I exploit that! I did a fair share of shopping, including my biggest beauty buy ever, not in terms of items bought but in terms of measures and kilograms.

Look, how small my huge cat looks compared to it!
Can you already guess, what it is?

It's three-storey PRO make-up artist's train case from Inglot! Inglot is a cosmetics company of Polish origin. It makes professional cosmetics & beauty accessories and as verified by many beauty bloggers, the quality is comparable to MAC or Make Up Store. (Of course I did a little Inglot make-up haul too, but I'll tell all about that in a separate post.)

A new family member perhaps?
When I first laid my eyes on the train case, I thought, wow, it's huge! I was just about to move on, when my hubby wondered about the price of it, as he knew I've had my eyes on a certain train case from Sephora for a while already.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I heard the price from the sales assistant. 353 PLN – that's roughly around 85 euros or 102 USD. A steal! Buy it, my husband said in a decisive voice. Buy it!

Nooooo, I said. It seemed simply obscene to buy it, because I'm not any MUA who does the faces of rich and famous people and needs to move sh.tloads of make-up items around. It seemed TOO big.

Backside with pull-out handle.
The male SA started seductively to open all the compartments and pulling out all the trays. It's only around 100 euros, he said. No, I said. No! So we left the store.

On wheels and all set for travel :P
Outside, my hubby became the voice of reason. Come on, I know you, he said. If you don't buy it, you'll gonna regret it later. And the rest of family will never hear the end of it. (Have I mentioned he in not a big fan of beauty buys, because he seems to think our home is badly contaminated with nail polish, make-up and all other things beauty already. In my humble opinion, it most certainly is not.)

I opened my wallet that had exactly 353 PLN in it. I took it as a sign from destiny and the biggest train case I've ever laid my eyes on became mine :)

The top part of the case.
I haven't regretted buying it since. In fact, I can still barely believe my luck. The pull-along case is made of made of sturdy plastic with metal edges and covered with synthetic leather-like material that is easy to clean inside. 

Famous Naked palette, a small part of my Polish haul and the keys inside the top part.
It divides into three separate parts. The upper part contains four trays, that can be pulled out and a middle compartment. It has to be lifted off to get to the middle section with two fold-out trays. The lower part has two roomy boxes in it. Upper and lower compartments can be locked so no one could steal your valuables.

With the top part off.
The case is roughly the size of an IKEA Helmer unit or airline hand baggage suitcase and I plan to use it as an organizer and beauty storage in my bedroom. It is most certainly the biggest (and heaviest, it weighs 12,5 kgs) beauty item I've ever bought and currently the one I'm most happy about. I bought it from Inglot boutique in Zlote Tarasy shopping centre in the heart of Warszawa, Poland.

Lower compartment and some of my Inglot haul. 
Do you like my new beauty storage solution? Wanna go to Poland too?

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

Lihtsalt võrdluseks asetasin kohvrile mõned iluvidinad.
For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Naasin paar päeva tagasi just Poolast. Kuigi seal oli just jalgpalli-MM täies hoos, see mulle huvi ei pakkunud, aga Poola hiigelsuured ostukeskused küll. Nii sündiski minu suurim ja raskeim iluost: kolmekorruseline Ingloti kosmeetikakohver, mis maksis ainult 85 euro ringis. Loomulikult pole ma mingi maailma mööda ringi kärutav tippmodell või meigikunstnik, kel vaja kilode kaupa meigiasju kaasas kanda. Umbes lennuki käsipagasisse mahtuvast kohvrist saab minu magamistoas meigi, küünelakkide, pintslite ja muude ilutarvikute hoidja. Juba selle vaatamine teeb mind igal hommikul ärgates õnnelikuks ja ma loodan, et nii jääbki :)

Kuidas teile mu suurim (ja raskeim!) iluost meeldib?

Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull


  1. Väga meeldib! Sellist tahaks endalegi kunagi tulevikus. Väga tahaks juba näha milliseid muidu iluasju sa veel ostsid :D

  2. Tahan ka NÜÜD kohe Inglotisse, mul oleks ka sellist samal otstarbel vaja : asjade organiseeritud ärapaigutamiseks. Tahaks kohe päriselus seda näha :)

  3. See oli hea ost :), mul oleks küll vaja tiba väiksemat

  4. Miss L: postitus Poola ostudest kindlasti tuleb :)

    Liis M: ehk avanebki võimalus seda päriselus sulle näidata :P

    Liis K: teises Ingloti poes oli ka tiba väiksem kohver, umbes nii suur, kui minu kohvri ülemine osa. Kahjuks ei taibanud selle hinda uurida. Olin senini arvamusel, et Inglot on väga kallis firma, aga Poolas kohapeal olid toodete hinnad palju odavamad kui näiteks Ingloti poes Helsingis.


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