Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sleeping with Pinocchio: The Body Shop Blueberry Body Butter review

The body butters from The Body Shop are iconic. If you have never heard of them (which I don't believe, you must be living in some kind of cave then), here's the concept: they are very thick & greasy body creams that come in a big variety of scents from olive oil to mango, coconut & moringa. If you are curious what a moringa is, check here.

Anyway, dry-skinned people swear by The Body Shop body butters. There are a lot of other body butters around, but as far as I know, the ones from The Body Shop were the first. Hence the cult product status.

The blueberry body butter is a strange addition to the range. First, it comes out only when there's a sale on (like now).

Secondly, it does not smell like blueberries. It smells like a sawmill. Seriously, every time I use it, my husband says he's in bed with Pinocchio again. You know, the wooden boy from a fairy tale whose nose grew every time he lied. A stupid boy, who thought money trees would grow from soil when coins are planted.

Also, this body butter is very greasy. I mainly use it on my feet and calves that go very dry in wintertime. Then it just sinks in leaving the stink behind. I can't use this all over the body or in summertime, then I'd be a total greaseball just out of a sawmill.

But then again, I heard the other day somebody asking for it in The Body Shop store. People are different, you know. 

I've been using this for about two winters now. Either it will go bad or end up in my empties for a few months on from now. We'll see.

Buy again? Nope. I'm not a lumberjack really.

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Mustika kehavõi The Body Shopilt on üks veider toode. Esiteks, see on müügil vaid allahindluste ajal, seega kui see teile huvi pakub, siis on õige aeg minna ptaegu The Body Shopi poodi. Hinnaks oli vist 9.90 eurot.

Teiseks, see ei lõhna värskete mõnusate mustikate järele. See lõhnab nagu saeveski. Iga kord kui seda enne tudumist säärtele määrin, teeb mu mees nalja, et magab jälle koos Pinocchioga. See kehavõi võiks tõesti ometi kord otsa saada, lisaks veidrale lõhnale on see ka kaugeltki liiga rasvane mu jaoks.

Siiralt teie,
Tolmu Rull


  1. Hea pealkiri! Ja peale seda väikest ülevaadet, ega vist ei ostaks ka - ma ei ole eriti rasvaste kehatoodete austaja.

  2. Uudistasin ka seda toodet, kuid see lõhn ei meeldinud üldse, ei kutsunud ostma.

  3. Tore kuulda, et ma pole ainus, kes ei armasta ülirasvaseid ja kehvasti lõhnavaid kehatooteid :)
