Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Empties: October and November

Yes, I managed to use up all these things during last two months. Seeing them all at one picture makes me think: wow, that's a lot!

And that's good. I have neverending supply of halfway used bottles, tubes and jars. I don't have much of a problem with things I like: they always seem to end too quickly. But when I find the product poor or average, I'm too impatient to just stay calm and use it up. I'll just stash it somewhere and set out to finding something better. Unfortunately, there are a lot more average things than HG items in the world. I seem to use everything for a tiny while and then move on to new and more interesting things. Or I might just want to change my face cream or shampoo because I'm bored with the previous one. I believe the same behavior is familiar to a lot of girls. But this can't go on forever.

On the other hand, I don't like to throw half-used stuff out too, it would be a total waste of everything: time, money, environment... and so on. Besides, there has been more than one occasion, when I rediscover something from my stash and really like it.

While this is not exactly a Project Pan, collecting and saving all these empty bottles for picture purposes has disciplined me more and made me WANT to use as many things up as I can. I try to keep it up from now on.

Of course, there are some things I liked and am definitely going to buy again (or stock up, if this is a discontinued item). You can see them on this picture. I'm not going to do a separate review of every one. If you see something you are particularly interested about, please ask!

So that's why I posted a picture of that big bunch of bottles. More as a reminder for myself, 'cause I don't really think you'd be very curious about what's in my thrash.

How about you? Do you have a lot of half-used cosmetics lying around?

Yours Truly,
Tolmu Rull

For my lovely Estonian ladies:

Siin on minu oktoobri- ja novembrikuus otsasaanud kosmeetikavahendid. Neid on palju, sest mul on päris palju pooleldi kasutatud kosmeetikat, mis mulle lihtsalt eriti ei meeldi või mille olen põnevamate asjade kasutamise nimel (ajutiselt, ha-ha!) kõrvale lükanud. Tegelikult peaks need lõpuni kasutama, et uutele ruumi teha. See postitus ongi eelkõige minu enda jaoks, et oleks suurem motivatsioon poolikud asjad lõpuni kasutada. Lähemalt arvustama ma neid ei hakka, kui tunnete lähemat huvi mõne toote vastu neilt piltidelt, küsige!

Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull


  1. Väga tubli oled! Minu endal on märkmik kuhu ma kirjutan kuude lõikes mis otsa sai ja päris hea nimekiri tuleb ikka kuu ajaga, kui aus olla. Mina nii kannatlik ei suudaks olla, et jätaks kõik need topsikud alles.

    Samas seda kõike vaadates tulevad külmavärinad peale. Ise kohe potsikud ära visates ei saa nagu arugi. Kuid tegelikult kui jube see loodusele on - tohutud plastikpudelik :S See on ühe inimese kahe kuu pudelid mis ta kasutab kehahoolduses, kuid veel üldse muidu.

    Päris scary...

  2. Aitäh!

    Ma ei viitsiks nimekirja pidada, ma tahan oma silmaga näha, kui palju ma kuu-kahega kokku suudan saada. Kogumine on lihtne: mul on üks suur kinkekott ja kui miski lõpeb, siis sinna ta läheb :)

    Kogus tundub jube jah, aga õnneks on osad tooted ostetud juba päris ammu. Kahe kuuga ma sellist kogust shampooni küll ei suudaks ära tarbida :D Siiski paneb see pilt mõtlema, et tasuks eelistada ilma pakendita või taaskasutatavas pakendis tooteid. Hea point sul, pilti tehes ma sellele isegi ei mõelnud.
