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China Glaze official press picture is from here. |
For those who don't know what they are: Magnetic nail polishes have tiny parts of metal in their formula and when the wet polish is exposed to a magnet, these form different patterns on the nail. I have tried some and I think magnetic polishes are a great way to get interesting nails. If you know a few tips, the patterns are very easy to create, but look like you have taken a lot of trouble. Although magnetic nail polishes are nothing new, several brands have them by now, I'm looking forward to this collection. I just hope the quality of these is a bit better than China Glaze Metallic Crackles, that were a bit of a disappointment.
Actually, Crackle Glitters are on their way too, but I don't expect much from these.
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China Glaze official press picture is from here. |
Tolmu Rull
For my lovely Estonian ladies:
Üks mu lemmikuid China Glaze toob kevadel turule 12 lakist koosneva magnetlakkide kollektsiooni. Juhuu! Kui kasutusnipid käpas, on magnetlakid väga toredad. Ootan juba! Hind ja millal need Eestisse jõuavad, pole teada, aga kärsitumad võivad alati pöörduda eBay poole.
Tulekul on ka pragunevad glitterlakid, aga noh... need jätan vist vahele. Metallikud olid väike pettumus.
Siiralt Teie,
Tolmu Rull
I tagged you with Top 10 Award: http://eisaamitte.blogspot.com/2011/12/top-10-award.html
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'll check it out immdiately :)
ReplyDeleteKusjuures, kollektsioonid tulevad Eestisse üllatavalt ruttu, vast paari nädalase hilinemisega. Viimased 2 ehk siis holiday ja glitterlakkide kollektsioon tulid küll kähku. Ma igatahes ootan ka neid juba- polegi ühtegi magnet efekti lakki veel proovinud.
ReplyDeleteSee on küll hea areng! Näiteks 2010.aastal jõulukollektsiooni Eestisse vist ei toodudki.